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Draining The Tank Of Condensation
Draining the tank of condensation helps release trapped moisture that collects in the tank when air is being pumped in. We recommend releasing this moisture every time after you use the compressor and get in a routine to do so. The excess air will also help purge the moisture. Leave the drain tap open when air compressor is not in use, so any moisture can continue to drain.
Check the Oil Level
Check the oil level via the sight glass on the side of the compressor. Make sure this is at the optimum level before getting to work. If the oil is too low, you can buy compressor oil SAE30 and top it up, if it’s over full, you will need to drain some of it. After 50 hours of use, drain the oil completely and replace with new oil.
Check the Tension and Condition of the V Belt
Ensuring that the V belt has good tension means it will not slip under heavy load, also whilst you’re at it, check the belt for any hairline cracks and replace if it’s too old. normally this is replaced after 250 hours of use.
Check the Air Filter
Overtime the air filter filters in a lot of air, it’ll get dirty over time and depending on the environment, it’ll require replacement every so often. Check this every so often and replace when dirty or after 50 hours of use.
Keep it Clean
As a compressor sits in your garage, it’ll start to collect dust and grime. It’s a good idea to give it a good clean using the air compressor and air blower attachment. Every so often and give it a wipe down to collect any grime build up. This will keep your air compressor looking like new.
My Air Compressor does not start.
- Check that you have plugged the power lead into a standard 240V 10Amp power point and turned the switch ON.
- Check that you have turned the air compressor ON/OFF switch ON.
- The air tank may be full of air and at maximum pressure. Use your air tool and the air compressor should start when the pressure decreases to 85PSI.
My compressor does not build up pressure.
- Check that the tank drain tap is sealed.
- Check that the air tap is closed.
My compressor smells like burnt oil.
- Check the oil level as it may be low
If these tips do not work please have your unit checked by an authorised service centre.
Call BLACKRIDGE for your closest centre, Aust. 1300 660 457 N.Z. 0800 474 876.
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