Adjusting your tyre pressures to suit the terrain is one of the most important things you can do for a successful and safe time on the trails.
Lowering your tyres from highway pressures has a number of benefits, such as greater traction, a softer ride; and less damage to your tyres and the tracks.
There are a few options available when it comes time to air down.
SCA Valve Core Remover
First is the valve core remover. Just remove the valve core and the air will escape very quickly. Keep checking the pressure until it’s where you want it, and replace the valve core.
Staun Tyre Deflators
Then there’s devices like the Staun Tyre Deflators. There are 4 in a pack, each pre-set to stop releasing air once lowered to the correct pressure. Simply thread each one on, walk away, and come back once they stop releasing air.
Ridge Ryder Rapid Tyre Deflator
If you prefer more control, the Rapid Tyre Deflator might be for you. This screws onto your valve stem, removes the valve core within itself, and the flow of air can be started and stopped by sliding the brass collar up and down. The inbuilt pressure gauge lets you get it perfect every time.
What Pressure Do You Run?
What pressure to use can be determined by the surface you are driving on, driver preference, size and weight of the vehicle, and the construction of your tyres. As a rough rule across the board – dropping about a third the tyre pressure you would run on the road will give you a starting point.
For sand driving, tyre pressures will need to be a lot lower than most types of driving. Normally around 15 to 18 psi or even as low as 10 PSI. This will increase the floatation effect of your tyres allowing you to sit on top of the sand rather than digging in.
There are risks with having too little pressure in your tyres, such as the risk of rolling your vehicle, or pushing a tyre off the rim during hard cornering. Driving at road speeds on lowered tyre pressures will also increase tyre wear and cause damage to your tyres very quickly.
Use tyre pressures to your advantage and you’ll be sure to have fun, and stay safe on the trails!
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